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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Summary of my Summer in Tokyo 2016 ♡ 東京 2nd week

Hi! This blog post is going to be about my second week of my second stay in Tokyo! If you want to read more about my trips to Tokyo, you can find more blog posts here!
I totally forgot to mention in the last post that the day we went to Asakusa (浅草) we was filmed and came on TV! This is my 3rd time appearing on TV in Japan! That coconut milk in the picture was a little too sweet for my liking, I really love sweet stuff, but I like unsweetened coconut milk better, but it was good in small zippes. One of the other days we went to Ikebukuro (池袋) and went to a cat café, I don't remember the name of that one because this was not the café we were planning on going to, but I'm glad we did, because they had so many cute and cuddly cats. It was the afternoon when we went so the cat's was lazy and sleepy, and enjoyed getting cuddled with. And we also took some purikura (プリクラ) right after♡

One of the last days, we went to a aquarium in Ikebukuro, I will make a separate post about that, because I have so many beautiful pictures from there that I want to share. But the day after three of the girls I traveled with had to leave to begin their semester in Japan, so we went with them to Tokyo station to say goodbye, but mostly because I wanted to get some limited Halloween stuff from the Rilakkuma (リラックマ) store ♡ After that we went to Akihabara (秋葉原) and got time to really look through some stores and hunt down some items we really wanted to get. And also got some donuts that was limited snoopy halloween donuts, from Mister Donut (ミスタードーナツ).
This was the super sweet cat that also stayed at the hotel, I spent so much time cuddling this cat at night before I went to bed, It was so cute and meow at me if I stopped cuddling him. The lanterns was in Shinjuku close to where we stayed.

We ended that day in Shibuya with sharing a pumpkin pie and a lemon pie for a snack before dinner, then went to Ichiran (一蘭) and had a super yummy bowl of ramen (ラーメン). I can never finish a bowl of ramen but it is so insanely good!

My very last day of this stay was well spent as a last shopping day in Harajuku (原宿). They even had a Tamagotchi store there, I used to play that all the time as little. I had a super yummy crepé with cream, banana and caramel sauce. And we ended up going back to Shibuya again to eat our last dinner at Genki sushi!

Thank you for reading all the way through, I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to leave a comment, I always reply. And stay tuned for my post next week with som beautiful pictures from the Sunshine city Aquarium.


  1. Wow! Those desserts looked yummy!! Another supercalifragiliexpialidosis update:)) hope you guys are allright^^

    1. They really where! Wow that you for beeing so kind! Thank you so much ♡
