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Friday, July 10, 2015

Monthly Subscription on Japanese Candy #2 ♡

Ohayou~ I had so much fun writing the other Japanese subscription box post, that I'm back with another one! (You can read the other post here!) They also send you a little origami figure with every box, this month's origami was a koi fish.

1. Jagariko ~ じゃがりこ These were salty crispy sticks. It tasted like baked potato with butter, cheese and salt on! It was really good and super crispy!

2. Gummy Sours ~ These are small square melon-flavoured gummies. They were coated in sour sugar, which weren't really that sour, and the gummy was sweet. Melon is such a good flavour on candy, I really loved these gummies!

3. Milky ~ ミルキー This is a small box filled with tiny candies wrapped in paper. They taste like milk with a little of sugar. If you are a milk lover, like me, I think you would really like this sweet milk flavored candy.

4. Chiple Chips ~ スーパーハートチップル These where small heart shaped chips, they where so adorable! I think they were barbecue flavored.

5. Puku Puku Tai ~ This months bonus snack. I have had this snack many times before and it's so yummy! The fresh ones are even better (Tayaki/鯛焼き). This one had strawberry chocolate inside, and it was SO GOOD.

6. Umaibo ~ い棒 I got two different flavors. The first one was シュガーラスク, sugar flavored. It tasted horrible, but my boyfriend liked it so I dont really know. The other one was エビマヨネーズ, shrimp mayonaise flavored. I didn't want to eat it because of the other one. I have tried these before and I know I didn't really like them.

7. Don Don Yaki ~ ん焼 The only thing I could think about when I tried this was that it tasted like kebab. It was good but kind of weird.

8. Puchi Cookies ~ ラングドシャ ホワイトチョコ These where small cookies with cream filling inside that tasted like vanilla. The cookies were sweet and really good, they were not dry at all.

9. Shitori Soft Cookie ~ しっとりソフトクッキー This was a little soft cookie, it reminded me a little of sweet bread.

10. Alfort Chocolate Cookie ~ アルフォート This was a small biscuit with chocolate. It was sweet and yummy.

11. Junmai Rice Crackers ~ 純米 This was a salty rice cracker.

12. Dora Chocolate ~ チョコ These were two small double panckakes with melted chocolate between them. The pancakes where so soft and it tasted amazing with the chocolate. I think this was my favorite snack from this box

13. Large Pudding Candy ~ デカプリン This was a large pudding-flavored hard candy with a soft caramel inside, wich also was pudding flavored. The inside was the best part of this candy!
I hope you like these candy post because I really like them, and the next box has already arrived! Please leave a comment if you have any questions, thank you for reading


  1. They all look so good!! i'm interested in purchasing a subscription now ;-; Thank you for describing all of the sweets! c: I enjoyed this post! (and I love the nyanko cat at the bottom ahhh)

    1. You chould! It's so much fun trying out all the different candy~ c: Thsnk you! I'm working on my next candy post now ^^
